भारतीय किसान पर निबंध – Essay On Indian Farmer

भारतीय किसान पर निबंध – Essay On Indian Farmer
A farmar is a very useful person in our life he meets out our basic needs of the life A large percentage of our population lives in rural areas and engages in agriculture. Often referred to as the backbone of the Indian economy, farmers provide us with food. Before the 1970s India was not self-sufficient in producing food grains and imports a large sum of food gains from other countries. But, when our imports started blackmailing us then Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri find an alternative and motivated our farmers. In addition, he gave the slogan “Jai Jawan Jai Kisan” which is remembered till day. After this, the green revolution started in India and we became self-sufficient in food grains. Moreover, we started exporting our surplus to other countries .hegrows corn to eat and cotton for clothes to wear he grows many things in his farms and sends them to us he does a very valuable service silently
He is very simpal man he is simple in his dress he is good at heart he wears hand woven clothes and hand made shoes the true picture of indian culture His life is very hard he works from morning till evening he knows no rest whether it is scorching heat or biting cold he works in the field he ploughs the fields sows the seeds and waters in the fields he removes the weeds he looks after the crops he is happy to see his ripe crops he reaps the crops and tharashes it then sells in the market and thus earns his livelihood he is illiterate he is easily duped by the money fenders his conditon is miserable the goverment the future of indis depends upon farmer so the goverment must do a lot for them