Basic English Grammar lessons – अंग्रेजी व्याकरण पाठ्यक्रम के लिए 

हिंदी अंग्रेजी या किसी भाषा को शुद्ध को बोलने या लिखने के लिये व्याकरण का ज्ञान आवश्यक है अंग्रेजी में Grammar (व्याकरण) वह है जिससे अंग्रेजी को बोलना लिखना आसान हो जाता है तो आइये जानते है- Basic English Grammar lessons – अंग्रेजी व्याकरण पाठ्यक्रम के लिए

Basic English Grammar lessons – अंग्रेजी व्याकरण पाठ्यक्रम के लिए

Word – Vowel और Consonant (स्वर और व्यंजन ) को मिलाने से Word(शब्द ) बनते है Word(शब्द )को नियमानुसार मिलाने से sentence (वाक्य ) बनते है Word(शब्द ) आठ प्रकार के होते है part of speech (कथन के भेद )कहते है वह इस प्रकार है

संज्ञा – noun – नाउन
सर्वनाम – प्रोनाउन – प्रोनाउन
विशेषण – एडजेक्टिव – एडजेक्टिव
क्रिया – Verb – वर्व
क्रिया विशेषण – adverb – एडवर्ब
सम्बन्ध सूचक अव्यव – preposition – प्रिपोजिशन
संयोजक – Conjunction – कंजक्शन
विस्मयादिक बोधक – Interjection – इंटरजेक्शन

Basic English Grammar Lessons

Grammar is the foundation of the English language. Here’s a simple breakdown of basic English grammar lessons:

1. Parts of Speech (शब्द भेद)

There are 8 parts of speech in English:

Part of Speech Definition Examples
Noun (संज्ञा) Names a person, place, thing, or idea Dog, India, Book, Honesty
Pronoun (सर्वनाम) Replaces a noun He, She, They, It, We
Verb (क्रिया) Shows action or state of being Run, Eat, Is, Have
Adjective (विशेषण) Describes a noun or pronoun Beautiful, Big, Happy
Adverb (क्रिया विशेषण) Describes a verb, adjective, or another adverb Quickly, Very, Well
Preposition (संबंध सूचक अव्यय) Shows relation between words In, On, Under, At
Conjunction (संयोजक अव्यय) Joins words, phrases, or sentences And, But, Because, Or
Interjection (विस्मयादिबोधक) Expresses sudden emotions Wow!, Oh!, Oops!

2. Sentence Structure (वाक्य संरचना)

A sentence must have a subject, a verb, and a complete thought.

Types of Sentences:

  1. Declarative (Statement) – Gives information.
     Example: She is a doctor.

  2. Interrogative (Question) – Asks a question.
     Example: Where do you live?

  3. Imperative (Command) – Gives an order or request.
     Example: Close the door.

  4. Exclamatory (Emotion) – Expresses strong emotion.
     Example: Wow! That’s amazing!

3. Articles (A, An, The)

  • A → Used before words beginning with a consonant sound (a book, a cat).

  • An → Used before words beginning with a vowel sound (an apple, an hour).

  • The → Used for specific nouns (the moon, the Taj Mahal).

4. Tenses (काल)

Tenses tell us about the time of an action.

Main Tenses:

Tense Example Sentence
Present Simple I play football.
Past Simple I played football.
Future Simple I will play football.
Present Continuous I am playing football.
Past Continuous I was playing football.
Future Continuous I will be playing football.
Present Perfect I have played football.
Past Perfect I had played football.
Future Perfect I will have played football.

5. Subject-Verb Agreement (कर्ता-क्रिया का मेल)

The verb must match the subject in number (singular/plural).


  • She plays football. (Singular subject → Singular verb)

  • They play football. (Plural subject → Plural verb)

6. Pronouns and Their Types

Types of Pronouns:

Type Examples
Personal Pronouns I, You, He, She, We, They
Possessive Pronouns My, Your, His, Her, Their
Demonstrative Pronouns This, That, These, Those
Interrogative Pronouns Who, What, Which, Whose
Reflexive Pronouns Myself, Yourself, Himself, Themselves

7. Adjectives and Their Comparison

Degrees of Comparison:

Degree Example
Positive Tall
Comparative Taller
Superlative Tallest


  • Ravi is tall. (Positive)

  • Amit is taller than Ravi. (Comparative)

  • Rahul is the tallest in the class. (Superlative)

8. Prepositions (संबंध सूचक अव्यय)

Prepositions show the relationship between words.

Types of Prepositions:

Type Examples
Preposition of Place In, On, Under, Between
Preposition of Time At, On, In, Before
Preposition of Direction To, From, Into, Out of


  • The book is on the table.

  • I was born in July.

9. Conjunctions (संयोजक अव्यय)

Conjunctions join words, phrases, or clauses.


  • I like tea and coffee. (Joining words)

  • She was tired, but she continued working. (Joining sentences)

10. Modals (Helping Verbs)

Modals express ability, possibility, permission, or necessity.

Modal Verb Usage Example
Can Ability I can swim.
May Permission May I come in?
Must Necessity You must study.
Should Advice You should exercise.
Will Future I will call you.
Would Politeness Would you help me?

11. Active and Passive Voice

Active Voice (कर्ता वाच्य): The subject performs the action.

Example: The boy wrote the letter.

Passive Voice (कर्म वाच्य): The action is performed on the subject.

Example: The letter was written by the boy.

12. Direct and Indirect Speech

Direct Speech: The exact words of the speaker.

Example: He said, “I am happy.”

Indirect Speech: Reporting the words in a different way.

Example: He said that he was happy.


These are the basic English grammar rules you need to start learning English effectively. If you want detailed explanations on any topic, let me know!

Learn to Speak English

Learn to Speak in English is one of the Major initiatives of the "Shruti Singhania Mam" to teach Spoken English with the help of the Native Hindi Language.

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