अंग्रेजी व्याकरण में पुरुष का प्रयोग – Use of Person in English Grammar

Use of Person in English Grammar

अंग्रेजी व्याकरण में पुरुष का प्रयोग – Use of Person in English Grammar

Person- पर्सन – पुरुष – अंग्रेजी ग्रामर में पुरुष 3 प्रकार के होते
Frist person – फर्स्ट पर्सन – उत्तम पुरुष
Second person- सेकंड पर्सन -मध्यम  पुरुष
Third person – थर्ड पर्सन – अन्य  पुरुष
Frist person – फर्स्ट पर्सन – उत्तम पुरुष – जिसमे  बोलने वाला (Speaker) अपने लिए मैं (I) शब्द का प्रयोग  करे वह (Frist person)  उत्तम पुरुष होता है इसका बहुवचन(Plural) हम(We) होता है मैं(I)  और हम(We)  (Frist person) उत्तम पुरुष के शब्द होते है
 Example- First person-I,Me, Myself, My, Mine, we, Us, Ourselves, Our, and Ours 
Second person- सेकंड पर्सन -मध्यम  पुरुष –  जिसमे  बोलने वाला (Speaker) सुनने वाले (Listener) के लिए तुम (You) शब्द का प्रयोग करे वहां  Second person  मध्यम  पुरुष होता है
 Example-   Second person-You, Yourself, Your, Yours
Third person – थर्ड पर्सन – अन्य  पुरुष –  जब दो लोग मिलकर किसी तीसरे के बारे में बात करते हैतथा यह,वह,वे (He,She,It )आदि शब्दों का प्रयोग करते है वहां  Third person अन्य  पुरुष होता है
 Example-      Third person –  He, She, It, Him, Her, Himself, Herself, Himself, His, Her, Hers, Its, They, Them, Themselves, Their, and Theirs

Use of Person in English Grammar (व्यक्ति के प्रकार और उपयोग)

In English Grammar, “Person” refers to the point of view from which a sentence is spoken or written. It affects pronouns, verbs, and sentence structure.

 Types of Persons in English Grammar (व्यक्ति के प्रकार)

Person Singular Pronouns Plural Pronouns Example Sentence
1st Person (First Person – पहला पुरुष) I, Me, My, Mine We, Us, Our, Ours I am a student. We love to play.
2nd Person (Second Person – दूसरा पुरुष) You, Your, Yours You, Your, Yours You are my best friend. You all are invited.
3rd Person (Third Person – तीसरा पुरुष) He, She, It, His, Her, Its, Him They, Them, Their, Theirs He is a doctor. They are playing outside.

 Detailed Explanation & Examples

 1. First Person (पहला पुरुष) – “I” and “We”

 The speaker is talking about themselves.

  • I am reading a book. (मैं किताब पढ़ रहा हूँ।)

  • We are going to the park. (हम पार्क जा रहे हैं।)

 2. Second Person (दूसरा पुरुष) – “You”

 The speaker is talking to someone directly.

  • You are very intelligent. (तुम बहुत होशियार हो।)

  • You should complete your homework. (तुम्हें अपना होमवर्क पूरा करना चाहिए।)

 3. Third Person (तीसरा पुरुष) – “He, She, It, They”

 The speaker is talking about someone else.

  • He is playing cricket. (वह क्रिकेट खेल रहा है।)

  • She loves to dance. (वह नृत्य करना पसंद करती है।)

  • It is raining outside. (बाहर बारिश हो रही है।)

  • They are going to school. (वे स्कूल जा रहे हैं।)

 Person in Verb Forms (क्रिया और व्यक्ति का संबंध)

The form of the verb changes based on the person of the subject.


  • I eat an apple. (First-person singular)

  • He eats an apple. (Third-person singular → “s” is added to the verb)

  • They eat an apple. (Third-person plural → No “s” in the verb)

 Changing Person in Sentences

First Person Second Person Third Person
I love chocolate. You love chocolate. He/She loves chocolate.
We are learning English. You are learning English. They are learning English.
I have a red car. You have a red car. She has a red car.

 Key Points to Remember

First person – The speaker talks about themselves.
Second person – The speaker talks to the listener.
Third person – The speaker talks about someone else.
Verb forms change with third-person singular (he/she/it → “s” or “es” is added).

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