35 महत्वपूर्ण विलोम शब्द – 35 Important Antonyms – Vilom Shabd

  1. Absent  (अनुपस्थित) = Present (उपस्थित )
  2. Answer (उत्तर ) = Question  (प्रश्न )
  3. Angry (अप्रसन्न) = Pleased (प्रसन्न)
  4. Always (सदैव) = Never (कभी नहीं )
  5. Agree ( सहमत होना) = Disagree (असहमत होना )
  6. Bad (बुरा) = Good (अच्छा )
  7. Beautiful (सुन्दर) = Ugly ( कुरूप )
  8. Before (पहले ) = After (बाद में )
  9. Best (सबसे अच्छा ) = Worst  (सबसे बुरा )
  10. Beginning (आरम्भ) = End ( अन्त)
  11. Big (बड़ा ) = Small (छोटा )
  12. Brave (वीर) = Coward (कायर)
  13. Buy (खरीदना) = Sell (बेचना )
  14. Careful (सावधान ) = Careless (लापरवाह )
  15. Cheap (सस्ता ) = Dear (मँहगा )
  16. Clean (स्वच्छ ) = Dirty (गन्दा )
  17. Correct (शुद्ध ) = Wrong (अशुद्ध )
  18. Come (आना ) = Go (जाना )
  19. Day (दिन ) = Night (रात )
  20. Dark (गहरा ) = Light (हल्का )
  21. Death (मृत्यु ) = Life (जीवन )
  22. Dirty (गंदा ) = Clean (स्वच्छ )
  23. Dry (सूखा ) = Wet (गीला )
  24. Easy (सरल ) = Difficult (कठिन )
  25. Early (जल्दी ) = Late (देर )
  26. Elder (बड़ा ) = Younger (छोटा )
  27. Enemy (शत्रु ) = Friend (मित्र )
  28. Failed (असफल ) = Passed (सफल )
  29. Fall (गिरना ) = Rise (उठना )
  30. Fast (तेज ) = Slow (धीरे )
  31. Far (दूर ) = Near (पास )
  32. fat (मोटा ) = Thin (पतला )
  33. Few (थोड़ा ) = Many (बहुत )
  34. Foolish (मूर्ख ) = Wise (बुद्धिमान )
  35. Forget (भूलना ) = Remember (याद करना )

Learn to Speak English

Learn to Speak in English is one of the Major initiatives of the "Shruti Singhania Mam" to teach Spoken English with the help of the Native Hindi Language.

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